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My Bloggers Blog
Saturday, 30 May 2009
Last entry...
Mood:  sad
Topic: Final blog entry...

That's it for now...

Well folks, if there's even anyone out there, Wink  I've finally run out of space on this Tripod free server for this blog. I've been using Tripod for over a decade to build web pages, but when I started blogging here, the free space really shrunk fast. So, this is to be my final entry in here. :-(

The good news is...

My other blogs over at are still running smoothly, so I will be spending more time over there now with the time I used to spend in here.

Just in case You haven't been to any of my other Outdoorsy blogs before, here's the URL's to them so You can check 'em out now. Bookmark them if you want to as well, right from here, so You don't lose 'em. There's some pretty good material in there, even if I do say so myself.  Cool

Larry Bass's Blog

LarryB's Blog

LarryBourgeois' Blog

Blogging with Bourgeois

So, my outdoorsy friends, Please leave a personal comment or two or your link even, on at least one of these blogs, that You would like Me, to check out.  :-)   Or, maybe You even have some sort of Outdoors related blog that You want to share with everyone? If that is so, then leave the URL link to it in the comments section of ANY of the above listed blogs and I will help You push it around the web. Just because it's Outdoorsy! I LOVE spreading the word... Smile

FYI - I'm also on Twitter now as well as Digg, Facebook and StumbleUpon, and a few other communications encouraging websites, so I'm doing more pushing of Cool stuff now, than I ever have. Google and I get along well too so don't be shy to post a comment and or, to list a link or three on my other blogs for me to enjoy and to share too...

I'll leave you to-day with this breath of clean fresh air...Cool

...A few pure white blossoms of summer...

I'll see You on the other side, over @ Blogger.  Smile

Chow 4 now.


Posted by larrybass at 5:50 AM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 30 May 2009 8:03 AM EDT
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Friday, 10 April 2009
Wild plants of Spring...
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Spring '09

The Ramps are up, the Ramps are up! Smile

This is a shot of the first little patch of Wild Leeks I discovered last week-end. They live in a little hollow down by the creek, in some hardwoods. This is the fourteenth year I've harvested from this spot and they appear to be thriving still. Cool


Since these little beauties were just starting to pop, I only harvested a small handfull to take home and munched down on two others to get a jump on my fresh Spring Tonic. Wink

If You've never tried these choice little morsels of Nature's finest spicyness, give them a try this Spring. If You are already a fan of this wild food, then get yourself out there to Your favorite hardwood bush to score your own right about now. They are out there waitin' for you...Smile

While you're out there, keep your eyes peeled for these sweet puppies too.

They are none other than the baby shoots of the common Day Lily, the large, bright orange blossomed flower of summer.  Steamed for a couple of minutes, with a gob of butter and a dash of sea salt and fresh ground black pepper, they are awesome! Mmmmm...

More wild food stalkin' to come soon...



Posted by larrybass at 1:34 PM EDT
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Saturday, 21 March 2009
Couldn't resist after all...
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Mo wheels...

Laughing Well, I thought I had bought my last HotWheels a few weeks back but...


Who, I ask you, could resist This Awesome Cougar Eliminator?  Wink

Or this Beautiful 1970 GSX for that matter?

Or even this New Red-Line Truck?

Now, could Anyone pass up this amazing GTO? Not this ol' boy it seems...Cool 

Oh well, for just over 5 bucks I've got a few of my favorite cars from the Muscle years, that I personally lived through...My XR7 GT 1967 Cougar, looked much like this sweet Eliminator, except that it was flat black with polished chrome everywhere. Smile

So, even though I'm not into it much anymore, picking up a few HotWheels every year is still an affordable and cool little diversion, from some of life's rougher realities, of which there seems to be Many these days...

Have a good one y'all.







Posted by larrybass at 6:46 PM EDT
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Thursday, 19 March 2009
It's really Spring...
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: Spring '09

It's official, Spring has sprung here in Ottawa! Yipee! Smile It's been sunny and mild here for almost a week and we've lost about nine tenths of our snow. It feels great to have made it through the winter and to have such an early spring this year.

To celebrate this fine season, I took my old mechanical pony out for it's shakedown cruise, on Sunday past. It's hard to explain how it feels to get a leg over my old buddy again after months of non-riding, unless of  course You ride too, then you probably know exactly what I mean. Cool

 Here's a shot I took down by theOttawa River Parkway with my little pentax, all mini-tripoded up and settin' pretty on a sun warmed picknik table.


Did any of You get out on your bike this past week-end? How are Your legs doin'? Mine were a little wobbly when I got home. Embarassed  I love the fact that you not only get in some great exercise but you get to go places and see and feel things to boot, on these metalic marvels. I love the fact that they produce No pollution, require no gas or feed of any sort and go as fast or slow as you want them to. You see things on a bike, ten times better than you see them in a car or van or whatever. You are tuned in to the weather around you, unlike in a car too. You are effected by the wind, unlike in a car, so you learn to lean into it with just enough force to match the pressure from the wind, to remain stable.

Biking is as close as man will ever come again, to riding a horse. The neat part is you don't have to saddle this one up every time you want to go for a ride. Or feed it hay and oats and stuff or even water the darn thing for that matter. Laughing Talk about yer lazy man's vehicle for the poor or not wanna-be's or survivor types, eh! I can't say enough about why we should ALL be riding bicycles, but at least this was a start. Get riding in 2009!




Posted by larrybass at 9:29 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 18 March 2009
Shakedown cruise '09...
Mood:  cool
Topic: First Spring Bike tour...

 It's Biking time again! Cool



So here's what an older biker boy looks like on his first run of the year... Laughing  The sun was out all day last Sunday and I took full advantage of it. My mechanized pony and I toured down to the mighty Ottawa River to see if the bike path along there was free of ice and snow yet. It wasn't. :-(

I think because of the nice weather we've had so far this week, the path will be ready to run by this coming week-end. I'll be down there regardless. It felt SO Good to be on that mobile exercise unit again! :-)

Anyone else get out there on your bike for a tour too?


Posted by larrybass at 9:03 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 20 March 2009 8:07 PM EDT
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